
Quit Bugging Me

About the Event

Cockroach with hearts around itThe GLOBAL phenomenon is back! The El Paso Zoo & Botanical Gardens is ready to take those names for its annual Quit Bugging Me promotion!

Submit a name of anyone who has been bugging you! An ex, boss, mother-in-law, we’ll take them all!

This year we are encouraging folks to donate through the Paso Del Norte Community Foundation. A donation is not needed to submit a name but we do encourage it! The funds raised from this promotion will be used for to help fund the Zoo's mission of providing support to wildlife organizations, acquiring enrichment for Zoo animals, and providing professional development opportunities to Zoo staff.

Donate Now

Zoo animals are regularly given enrichment to keep them stimulated both mentally and physically. Madagascar hissing cockroaches are ethically frozen and given to insectivores as determined by our zoo veterinarian staff. Insects are a normal part of these animals’ diets, in captivity or the wild. While in our care, we try to replicate this as much as possible.


Names & Schedule

Watch the feeding of the Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches Friday, February 14, at 2:15 p.m. at the Meerkats exhibit! Can't make it? Watch live on Facebook & Instagram!

List of names coming soon.

Submit A Name

Only names submitted via the online form will be used for this promotion. All names submitted will be displayed anonymously as only first names will appear. Names can be submitted until midnight Feb. 13th (MST).

Submit A Name

Please keep in mind that the animals’ can only eat so many cockroaches. Any names that we read out during our stream will be at random. All names we receive will be used to decorate the animals’ exhibits.